Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've been eating a lot of strawberries lately for breakfast. They are easy to bring to work, and quite delicious at that. Lucky for me, a lot of grocery stores have had strawberries on sale lately, so I can buy them in abundance!

As for the day -- work, gym, work then a late movie with Erin and Eric.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Met up with Cara Daly for lunch today! She's visiting from Colorado, and came down to the burgh to visit some college friends. She and Burger stopped off at Chili's and we had some lunch. I hadn't seen her in like 9 months, so it was great getting to catch up!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Doing well on my gym-going these days. I'm trying to get into a routine, but with my crazy schedule, it hasn't happened yet. The boy and I try to go together, but he works until 4:30, which also happens to be the busiest time of day there. I've found the best time is in the middle of the afternoon, so I've been trying to go when I get out of work. My body hurts, but I love it cause I know it must be doing something!

Monday, April 27, 2009


I had to return to Pittsburgh today. After lunch at my mom, sister, nephew and Aunt, I made my way back just in time to throw on my work clothes, and head out the door again.

This craptastic photo sums up my night at work. Aside from two tables, Tyler and I were on a party together. It was for some CMU frat, and their budget limit was $1,000. Yes. I'm serious. Probably the highest bill I'll ever have at that place. The bar tab was so big, we ended up owing the bar $50! However, Tyler and I both walked with a decent tip tonight. Had we not had the party, it would have been a bust since we were completely dead in the rest of the restaurant. Yay for college kids who like to drink!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Today was the day of showers. We had a baby shower brunch in the morning, and then a bridal shower for my cousin in the evening. The little dude joined us for the bridal shower and since it was so hot out, his hair was easily styleable. Thus why he is rocking this superb mohawk, courtesy of Aunt Katie ;)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Gorgeous day!! I started it off by laying out for a bit on the deck. It was my quest to get rid of some of my extreme pastyness. Then, we got lunch for my brothers birthday/graduation. Later, my Aunt Lori had another girl's game night. It definitely wasn't as fun as last time, but it was still fun..if that makes sense!

Friday, April 24, 2009


On my way home to Erie, I stopped off at the boy's work to give him money I owed him, and see him for a few minutes before I was gone all weekend. I thought he looked funny driving the company car around, so of course, I had to snap a picture. hehe.

Guy and I movied hopped tonight. We saw 17 Again, and Obsessed. I actually enjoyed them both.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I woke up this morning and figured out why my bathroom shelf is always screwy. Mr. Owen takes it upon himself to climb to the top and chill all over my (clean) bathroom towels. What a punk.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today was such a lazy day. I took off the afternoon to take my brother to lunch for his 21st birthday, but because of finals and such, he wasn't able to meet until later on. He picked Chili's, which I'm always cool with. He had a couple beers and I was entertained by the drunk dudes behind us. Who gets drunk at Chili's?

Oh! And, the boy and I joined a gym today. It's part of our quest to get in shape and spend some QT together. I'm excited to get back into a workout routine!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I found more recipes for different types of "dessert balls". I decided to toy around and make Oreo balls & Red Velvet cake balls. I also planned on making Nutter Butter balls, but have not made those yet. These little delectable desserts are time consuming! Between napping on the couch, rolling balls & dipping them -- it was too much. ha.

The boy and I had a little date night and went to Red Lobster since I've been craving cheddar biscuits since, like, Sunday. mmm. We had a great waiter, very quirky. We tipped him well.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Technically this is for tomorrow's entry, since the Pen's play at night. Since I work at 1 o'clock in the morning, I put this outfit on now so when I leave work, it's technically game day, and I'm showing my Pen's support :p

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Worked all day. I was only supposed to work a lunch shift, but since I owe extra money this week thanks to that stupid ticket, I needed to pick up extra hours. After work, I went to visit the boy. He was making gross concoctions to take to work this week. Here is one of them; a PORK sandwhich with cheese, tomato, ranch and BBQ sauce. Um, gross.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I met Katie and Ryan for lunch today. Afterwards, Katie and I went to Southside Works to see Sunshine Cleaning. I really liked it. I like movies that aren't super hyped up. Then, we did a little browsing around at the stores and before we left, Katie wrote notes to the two large SUV's that parked in spaces designated for compact cars only. haha!

Friday, April 17, 2009


I met up in Grove City with Stacy tonight for dinner at Elephant Castle & Pub. We spent two hours just talking and eating. It was so great getting to catch up. We made plans for her and Heath to come hang out in Pittsburgh sometime. With Ryan and Heath both being from Kansas and former military, we think they'll have a lot in common. Later, I went to a bonfire at Chris' with some OG people. It was a good time. I always enjoy hanging out with those folk.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


These beautiful flowers have popped up out of nowhere outside my apartment building signifying that spring has indeed, perhaps, sprung :) I took a wonderful nap this afternoon and once the boy got out of the first day of his new job, we hung out for awhile. Did a little grocery shopping, then went back to his place, ate dinner and watched Yes, Man. I also had me a little bowl of Edy's Fully Loaded Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. Shhh.. ;p

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


On my way to work today (at 1a, mind you) I got hit with a ticket. Granted, I was guilty since I turned right on red where a sign is posted..but dang. That sucker is going to cost me $109! I could try and fight it, but its almost better just to pay it and get it over with. Best part of the experience? The cop proceeded to tell me I could then speed to work since I was late.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Sometimes Owen is like a clingy child. He's been accidently stepped on more times than I care to count. From the minute I walk in the door he's always RIGHT THERE. Tonight, I was getting stuff ready to mail out and he sat by my side all night..while attacking my pen while I wrote.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Katie had the day off from teaching, so she and I met up for a bit before I had to be at work myself. We had lunch at Chili's (our favorite place!) then hit up a couple stores. I got a cute skirt, a pair of shorts and 2 pairs of flip flops. Since I used my Old Navy card, I got 20% off my purchase and a free "green" reusuable bag.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter! We stopped off at the cemetary today to visit my Papa and Busia and bring them some flowers. It's the first time we had been back since we buried her. It was weird to see it, I guess. The ground was still fresh dirt (and rocks). They are buried in the "Garden of Love" which I thought was cute. Then, we headed over to my grandparents house for Easter dinner.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Woke up surprisingly early this morning (8:30 is early on a weekend!) and couldn't fall back asleep. I got ready, and headed out to the zoo with my parents, sister and nephew for the Easter egg hunt. Joey loves the zoo, and even got to ride on the carousel (thanks to Aunt Katie, looking like a fool and riding a long with him. haha) He got to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap -- and even though beforehand, he was practically lunging for the bunny, when it came time to sit on his lap..he didn't want anything to do with him. He's a man of talk!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Katie and I grabbed lunch before getting on the road to Erie for the weekend. I got home and hung out with the family. Later on, I went to see Adventureland with Guy.

Definitely a chill day in the great North, but still beautiful :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


The boy and I dyed Easter eggs today! It was my idea, obviously, but he went along with it and we had fun competing to see who could make their eggs the darkest -- I'm gonna say I won that competition ;p


Yesterday, I had already made my photo post for the day after I recieved these beautiful roses from the boy ♥ . I fell asleep on the couch watching the 11 o'clock news. The next thing I know, I wake up to a kiss on the forehead and roses in my face, just because :)

As for was my usual boring, double-day at the OG. I had a really irritating child at one of my tables. He threatened to sue the restaurant after I told him it would take four hours to get him his sundae. This is AFTER he complained his food was taking too long, demanded I grate cheese into his hand and then told me his dinner was gross. Yea. Oh, and when I bring him his ice cream, he proceeds to tell me it "looks sexy"..what 8-year-old talks like that?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Even though I worked, today was essentially my "day off" so when I got out of work at 10a, I went to the grocery store. I bought a bunch of groceries, including food for the fur kids, which is the reason I went in the first place. Came home, and made some homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs in the crock pot then took a nice nap. I got laundry done, garbages emptied and sorted through junk mail and settled in to watch Sex Drive and now, American Idol. Productive day!

Monday, April 6, 2009


I had my lovely yearly visit to the lady doctor today. Sadly, this is the only picture I took all day too. The wait was not horrible, like it usually is and the nurse practitioner who saw me was super friendly. After my appointment, I met up with Eddie for lunch at Panera where I witnessed a random break up. Then, I proceeded to work all night. Good times.

Oh, and it started to snow today. Hai April!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


After working all afternoon, I ended the day with a fun little BBQ with the boy, Katie and Ryan at this cute little community park we discovered last week. The charcoal grille was taking ages to heat up, so we ended up digging into Katie's potato salad early. It was delicious! Eventually the burgers got done as well. I originally took this photo to submit to Failblog..but no one else found it funny :/

Saturday, April 4, 2009


A day off!! I woke up with a call from Ryan, informing me that three police men had been shot during a standoff :( Then, Renz called me with plans to go to Chili's for lunch. We ate, and then went to the mall where I actually bought stuff for once. I got a sweater from Forever 21, then a few things at AE, and got a fabulous deal on it. Later, the boy got off work and we ran a few errands then had dinner at Red Robin. We came home and I made cake balls while we watched Bedtime Stories. They turned out super yummy!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Had a girl's night out! It was definitely much anticipated (by all three of us, I think) We met at Mad Mex for drinks and dinner, then went to the mall to look around. I got a couple new bra's and Katie insisted on "treating" us to sunglasses. haha. We finished off the night by getting Gelati's at Rita's. mmmm.


On my way home from work this afternoon, I made a quick stop at the store to pick up the stuff to make Buffalo Chicken Stromboli, then headed over to Ryan's to wake his lazy butt up (in his defense, he DID work an overnight.) He got up and got moving, and we headed out for the DMV. He got a new job within his company that requires him to have a PA license, so he begrudgingly (his Arizona license he's had since he was 16, doesn't expire until 2049!) went and changed state's. The process was a lot less of a hassle than we thought it would be, so Ryan left a happy camper. Later, I made us dinner (it was AMAZING) and then we went and got ice cream. mmmm. Then, I went to a late movie with the White's.
Bonus picture! On my way to Ryan's place today, I spotted these two fella's trotting along the road. Hey random turkey's!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Nothing significant happened today, other than that it was a gorgeous day here in Pittsburgh. Between shifts, I stopped off at the boy's house to hang for an hour. I brought us lunch and we ate and watched A Baby Story (much to his protesting!) I love that show.

Oh, and I watched Megan Joy get voted off Idol tonight. Good riddance!!